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Dhoom 2 2k Watch Online Movies Download


dhoom 2 full movie download filmywap hindi dhoom 2 full movie download filmywap hindi, dhoom 2 full movie download, dhoom 2 hdrip, dhoom2 hd ripen. Just another day at work for super agent Harry Potter who’s carrying on the family legacy of being an international thief. His newest target? Santa Claus! But little does Harry know that his first job is just a warm up for an international pandemic that will sweep the world in less than 24 hours. Just when it seems like things cannot get any worse… They do! Harry has to do what he does best and steal the secret to saving the human race from extinction…. But of course, he’s not alone! The movie is the first Indian venture by producer-director Steven Spielberg's Dream Works SKG production company. A sequel was also released on 18 December 2011, titled "Dhoom 3". Boman Irani was first offered the role of Gunaji but he refused it. He was later offered the role of Khan, but had to turn that down as well due to scheduling conflicts with "Fun Unlimited" (2005). Gunaji appeared in Dhoom 2 though as a different character named Gunjan Sharma. Censored Scenes 1. The Censor Board demanded several cuts for this film, including some relating to smoking and drug references. The film had about 110 cuts for these reasons. 2. The beginning of the movie shows Harry Potter explaining his plan to the media. There were several scenes here that had to be cut. 3. A scene in which Sam and Harry Potter are talking in the lift at the ITC Maurya Hotel had to be cut down. 4. The Mumbai Police was not allowed to say the word ‘Bomb’ in this film, so they used ‘X’ instead. 5. Several scenes that show smoking and drinking had to be deleted from this movie before it could pass through with a ‘UA’ certification with a few cuts and alterations. 5a.(Cut due to smoking in India- Cigarette removed and edited). 5b.(Cut due to drinking in India- Beer removed and edited). 5c. The scene in which Harry Potter and Khan walk into a run down bar in Mumbai, is a part in the London production. In this scene in the film, Harry is seen drinking beer. 6. A few scenes that show Khan standing on the street outside his house smoking were removed from this movie. 6a.(Cut due to smoking in India- Cigarette removed and edited). 6b(Cut due to drinking in India- Beer removed and edited) 6c (The scene outside Khan’s house shows him smoking once again! The Censor Board did not want Khan to be shown drinking. cfa1e77820


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